
What is home? Is it your mom’s place? Is it the house you spent your childhood in? Is it the house you raised your own children in?

Is home the town you grew up in?  Is it the parish you were married in? Or is home wherever God leads you to lay your head?

Our prayer is that this website will be an aid to helping you feel spiritually and physically at home in Saint John. We pray that it will help you to grow in your faith and love of God by connecting you to the Sacraments and to the people and events of your faith community.  We pray that this will become a gathering place for information, encouragement and inspiration to help you on the road of discipleship.  We pray that you will be filled with the sense that “all the way to heaven is heaven”.  We pray that where two or three are gathered in His name here, that He will fulfill His promise to be in our midst.

Please pray for us as we strive to follow God’s will for us as we build and offer this website.  Please pray for our diocese, our bishop, and all our people.  Please pray in a special way for those who are isolated and alone in our community that they may find true friendship and meaningful connection that will reveal to them the assurance of the heart of God’s ardent love. And if this humble website can be a tool for such a connection, may God be praised!

Please note: the opinions expressed here are those of the authors. This website is not officially affiliated with or produced by the Diocese of Saint John. That being said, we do profess our loyalty to our bishop and our faithfulness to the Magisterium. If you do see anything written here that seems opposed to that profession, kindly inform and correct us.