A Labour Day Update…

Dear friends of the Daughters of Saint John,

September! Because I grew up in a province in which Labour Day ALWAYS marked the last day of summer vacation, I have always had bittersweet feelings about this particular date.  It’s the day mixed with excitement and nervousness for the impending new year with all its unknowns, new friends, and possibilities. It’s also the day I, like every other child, would try to wring out every last drop of play, leisure, and carefree fun before falling back into routine. I remember often wistfully reflecting back on the evaporated summer wondering where it went, regretting missed opportunities and wasted time, all the while reminiscing on the good memories, making my heart ache with longing.

For us here in Saint John, this weekend has also marked a long-coming change. Several parishes are now officially closed.  Many of us began attending new-to-us churches, and those of us whose remain open would have seen many new faces yesterday.  Let us pray for one another in this time of change, for patience, hope, and peace

I’m hoping that September and it’s return to routine will also be marked by more activity here at Daughters of Saint John on my part!  A big thanks to Natasha for keeping the lights on here with her beautiful reflections. I will be updating the events page now that the dust has settled. We still need volunteers to help keep our events page updated. Please let me know if you can help.

I’m SUPER excited to announce that we have a fantastic new contributer who will be joining our team! I’m not going to say who it is just yet, but she is a well-known, much-loved daughter of Saint John and you will all be thrilled when you find out!  Eek! I can’t wait!!

Meanwhile, the podcast continues! Mr. Crate and I recorded the latest episode and it is now available here.

For our next episode — to be recorded at the end of September– we will be talking about the book “A Song for Nagasaki” by Fr. Paul Glynn. I hope you all will read along and tune in!

Talk to you soon!


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